Featured by Amsterdam Alternative, OT301’s agenda and Instagram; 6-8 December 2023, 4bid Gallery, Amsterdam, Overtoom 301. I was very proud to present my work ‘Where we’re at’ (‘Ott, ahol mi vagyunk’) in Amsterdam’s 4bid Gallery in December 2023, as a […]
Interaktív installáció, Igor Metropol Stúdió, Budapest, 2022 december – 2023 januárMunkabemutató / open studio: január 18. (scroll down for English) A munkabemutatón Szabó Eszter Ágnes képzőművésszel beszélgettünk a lomizás/bolhapiacok képző-, és médiamüvészeti vonatkozásairól. Magyarország a szemét ökonómiájának tekintetében (is) két […]
A group exhibition – a group exhibiting (itself): presentation of a “we” that mistrusts itself; the random encounter (collision?) of travelers in the same city-, the same action space – reason enough for a joint project? reason enough for a […]
Loopé was a collective of Dani Halasi and Juli Laczko, at times joined by Esteban de la Torre and Gábor Karcis, working with projection, video, performance, and different media in space. VJs since 2003, collective 2006-2013, created several party and […]
Between 2007 and 2012, I contributed to the organization of the Hanna Hanna Festival & Art Gathering near Gúta, Slovakia. I curated, booked, and organized visualists for 5 different stages, managing riders, gear, and building rigs.
interactive blind audiospace based on the novel The Helmet of Horror by Viktor Pelevin, 2010, cooperation with Zsolt Korai
Ex Libris, visual poem and digital performance, presented in the same titled live exhibitiond: Júlia Bársony, Merlin Theatre, Budapest, 2009. Mentor: Jozef Tillmann
Family history research and visualisation, 2009, Zagreb, photos and video installation.As a CEEPUS guest student in Zagreb, I travelled to Osijek to investigate two postcards that I inherited from my grandfather’s grandmother. They are signed as from Zora, her cousine, […]
‘Speciális Heurisztikák’ was a group of performers I have worked with as a visualist, using static analog and live digital projection to create hybrid performances, from 2005 to 2010.
re68, 6-channel video installation, cooperation with Anita Gáspár, Balázs Sármai images used from (left to right): Fényes szelek, The Strawberry Statement, Zabriskie Point, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Misteries of the Organism, The Dreamers